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Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León

  /  Uncategorized   /  PAAMS 2009 1st Call for Papers

PAAMS 2009 1st Call for Papers

The International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems (PAAMS´09) will provide a unique opportunity to bring multi-disciplinary experts and practitioners together to exchange their experience in all aspects of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, specially those concerned with applications. It builds upon the success of previous editions of IWPAAMS workshops, by acquiring now a more international character. ———————————————————————————————————-

The International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems (PAAMS´09) will provide a unique opportunity to bring multi-disciplinary experts and practitioners together to exchange their experience in all aspects of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, specially those concerned with applications. It builds upon the success of previous editions of IWPAAMS workshops, by acquiring now a more international character. ———————————————————————————————————-




1st Call for Papers



e-mail: paams@usal.es



Salamanca (Spain), 25 th – 27 th March, 2009




The International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents andMultiagent Systems (PAAMS´09) will provide a unique opportunity to bring multi-disciplinaryexperts and practitioners together to exchange their experience in all aspectsof Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, specially those concerned with applications.It builds upon the success ofprevious editions of IWPAAMS workshops, by acquiring now a more internationalcharacter.

This International Conference intends to bring together researchersand developers from industry and academic world to report on the latestscientific and technical advances on the application of multi-agent systems,discuss and debate the major issues, and showcase the latest systems usingagent based technology. It will promote a fore for discussion on howagent-based techniques, methods, and tools help system designers to accomplishthe mapping between available agent technology and application needs. Otherstakeholders should be rewarded with a better understanding of the potentialand challenges of the agent-oriented approach.

Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

·        Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)Applications: commerce, health care, industry, internet, etc.

·        Agent and MAS architectures

·        Agent development tools

·        MAS middleware

·        Agent languages

·        Engineering issues of MAS

·        Web services and agents

·        Agents and grid computing

·        Real-time multi-agent systems

·        Agent-based social simulation

·        Security in MAS

·        Trust and reputation in MAS

·        Improving user interfaces andusability with agents

·        Information recovery with MAS

·        Knowledge management with MAS

·        Software Agents in UbiquitousComputing

·        Agent technologies for AmbientIntelligence

·        Software Agents in Industry

·        Planning and scheduling in MAS

·        Agent Technologies forProduction Systems

·        Service-Oriented Computing andAgents

·        Agents for E-learning andeducation

·        Mobile computation and mobileCommunications

PAAMS (IWPAAMS) is listed as one of the top 65 conferences of theComputer Science Conference Ranking in the area of Artificial Intelligence(http://www.cs-conference-ranking.org/conferencerankings/topicsii.html).




PAAMS welcomes the submission of application papers with focus onthe topics outlined in the Areas of interest. Papers may report oncompleted work, descriptions of work in progress or discussion papers.


PAAMS aims for original and quality material. Submitted papers willundergo a thorough review process. Each paper will be evaluated by threemembers of the PC. Papers that present a valuable idea that needs furtherdevelopment can be accepted as a short paper.


The paper mustbe formatted according to the Springertemplate, with a maximum length of 10 pages in length, includingfigures and references.



PhD students areinvited to present the topic and progress of their research, in order to obtainfeedback from a panel of experts. The length of these papers should be nolonger than 10 pages.



The acceptedpapers will be included in the PAAMS’09 Proceedings to be published by SpringerVerlag in a volume of the prestigious Advances in Soft Computing Series. Atleast one of the authors will be required to register and attend the conferenceto present the paper in order to include the paper in the symposiumproceedings.



All papers mustbe submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using the Paper Submission Page.





– Paper submission deadline: 24th October, 2008

– Notification of acceptance: 5th December, 2008

– Camera-Ready papers due: 3rd January, 2009

– (PAAMS ’09) celebration: 25th-27th March,2009






Scientific Committee

Yves Demazeau – Laboratoire d’Informatique de Genoble (France)

Juan Pavón-Universidad Complutense Madrid (Spain)



Juan M.Corchado  – http://bisite.usal.es -Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Javier Bajo -Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain)


E-mail and Web Site

Email: paams@usal.es

Web Site: http://paams.usal.es/



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