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Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León

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Estudio sobre la ocupación de los Ingenieros en Informática

El Departamento de Trabajo de USA, ha publicado un estuido sobre la ocupación de los Ingenieros en Informática en 2008-09.

Algunos aspectos destacados del informe.

El Departamento de Trabajo de USA, ha publicado un estuido sobre la ocupación de los Ingenieros en Informática en 2008-09.
Algunos aspectos destacados del informe.
  • Computer software engineers are one of the occupations projected to grow the fastest and add the most new jobs over the 2006-16 decade.
  • Employment of computer software engineers is projected to increase by 38 percent over the 2006 to 2016 period, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. This occupation will generate about 324,000 new jobs, over the projections decade, one of the largest employment increases of any occupation.
  • Computer hardware engineers are expected to have 5 percent employment growth over the projections decade, slower than the average for all occupations. Although the use of information technology continues to expand rapidly, the manufacture of computer hardware is expected to be adversely affected by intense foreign competition. As computer and semiconductor manufacturers contract out more of their engineering needs to both domestic and foreign design firms, much of the growth in employment of hardware engineers is expected in the computer systems design and related services industry.
  • Excellent job prospects are expected for applicants with at least bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or computer science and with practical work experience.
  • Computer software engineers must continually strive to acquire new skills in conjunction with the rapid changes that occur in computer technology.

Hay datos desglosados para:

  • Computer Software Engineers
    • En 2006, eran 857,000, de ellos 507,000 computer applications software engineers, y  350,000 computer systems software engineers
    • En 2016 se espera que sean 1,181,000 (38% de incremento), desglosados en 733,000 aplication sw eng (45% de incremento) y 449,000 systems sw eng (28% de incremento)
    • Datos desglosados:
      • Computer Software Engineers, Applications
      • Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software
Specialty Lowest 10% Lowest 25% Median Highest 25% Highest 10%
Computer Software Engineers, Applications 52,090 65,810 83,130 102,710 125,260
Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 55,870 70,710 89,070 109,320 130,850

Computer hardware engineers

53,910 69,500 88,470 111,030 135,260
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