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Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León

  /  Uncategorized   /  Conferencia: A short introduction to software reliability engineering

Conferencia: A short introduction to software reliability engineering

Conferencia en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática:

Salón de Grados. Lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2004 9:00 am


Universidad deValladolid

A shortintroduction to software reliabilityengineering
Meine van der Meulen

School of InformaticsCity University London (UK)

Conferencia en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática:

Salón de Grados. Lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2004 9:00 am


Universidad deValladolid

A shortintroduction to software reliabilityengineering
Meine van der Meulen

School of InformaticsCity University London (UK)

Summary: The presentation willcover general themes in software reliability engineering, the science thatoccupies itself with issues like software dependability, software faulttolerance and software metrics. The presentation will focus on probabilisticmodels describing the debugging process and program behaviour. Several examplesderived from submissions to the ACM Programming Contest judge hosted by theUniversity of Valladolid will be used to explain the models.

Meine van der Meulen is researchfellow at the Centre for Software Reliability at City University, a position heholds since February 2003. His research interests are in the dependability (reliability,safety, security) of computer-based systems. He has been involved in safety anddependability studies since 1988 when he joined the safety instrumentationdepertment of Dutch Railways. After that he worked for the NetherlandsOrganisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO,where he performed safety studies for mainly chemical industry and off-shoreoperations. His last position before joining the CSR was at SIMTECHEngineering in Rotterdam, concentrating onsafety studies in traffic (mainly railways, but also shipping) andinfrastructure (mainly storm surge barriers). Meine van der Meulen shares theposition at the CSR with a position as Senior Consultant at Adelard.Meine van der Meulen holds an MSc degree in Electrotechnical Engineering from EindhovenUniversity, where he specialised inMeasurement and Control. His thesis resulted in a patent on an algorithm toincrease the speed of random access in a CD-ROM player. He also holds a degreein Dutch Law from the Dutch OpenUniversity. Meine van der Meulen is a memberof EWICS,the Dutch Society for RiskAnalysis and Dependability, and the IEEEReliability Society. He is member of theInternational Program Committee of the yearly Safecompconference.

Salón de Grados. Lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2004 9:00 am

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