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Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León

  /  Uncategorized   /  International Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living 2009 (IWAAL'09)

International Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living 2009 (IWAAL'09)

AAL aims to prolongate the time people can live in a decent way in their ownhome by increasing their autonomy and self-confidence, the discharge ofmonotonously everyday activities, to monitor and care for the elderly or illperson, to enhance the security and to save resources. European OverviewReport.

AAL aims to prolongate the time people can live in a decent way in their ownhome by increasing their autonomy and self-confidence, the discharge ofmonotonously everyday activities, to monitor and care for the elderly or illperson, to enhance the security and to save resources. European OverviewReport.

IWAAL promotes the collaboration between researches in this area concentratingefforts and detecting quality of life, safety and health problems of elderlypeople at home. For that, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)have to be applied to accomplish people’s independence in this environment.Also, others contexts like hospital or day centres have to be considered.Finally, proposals for supporting families and caregivers activities are veryimportant for this workshop.10th – 12th June, 2009 – Salamanca, Spain

=================== 1st Call for Papers ===================

AAL aims to prolongate the time people can live in a decent way in their ownhome by increasing their autonomy and self-confidence, the discharge ofmonotonously everyday activities, to monitor and care for the elderly or illperson, to enhance the security and to save resources. European OverviewReport.

IWAAL promotes the collaboration between researches in this area concentratingefforts and detecting quality of life, safety and health problems of elderlypeople at home. For that, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)have to be applied to accomplish people’s independence in this environment.Also, others contexts like hospital or day centres have to be considered.Finally, proposals for supporting families and caregivers activities are veryimportant for this workshop.

Everyoneinterested in participating and presenting his/her work in this workshop may doit by sending a contribution. The papers should be written in English. Thereare three possibilities:
1.      Long papers: A maximum length of 8 pages. Theymust consist of original, relevant and previously unpublished sound researchresults related to any of the topics of the conference.
2.      Short papers: A maximum length of 4 pages.They can be project reports, a summary of a PhD thesis, or work in progress.
3.      Doctoral consortium: PhD students are invitedto present the topic and progress of their research, in order to obtainfeedback from a panel of experts. The length of these papers should be nolonger than 8 pages.

Papers Format Papers must be prepared according to the LNCS template ofSpringer (MS-WORD or LaTex format) without page numbers.

Publication All papers accepted will be published in a special volume of IWANNin Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Springer Verlag). Therefore, thepapers will be indexed by CiteSeer.IST, and by the organization ComputingResearch and Education Association (CORE). At least one of the authors will berequired to register and attend the symposium to present the paper in order toinclude the paper in the workshop proceedings.

Submitting papers In order to submit a paper you must register as an author atIWAAL 2009 conference management system http://gsii.usal.es/conftoolIWAAL.All papers for IWAAL 2009 must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format,original document word or latex and images).

Paper submission deadline: 23rd January, 2009
Notification of acceptance: 27th February, 2009
Final version submission: 16th March, 2009
IWAAL’09 celebration: 10th-12th June, 2009

TOPICS ———— The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
·       Smart sensors
·       Identification Technologies for AAL
·       Applications for health andtele-mobile-health
·       Smart homes in AAL
·       Applications for chronic diseases
·       Diabetes and AAL
·       Obesity and AAL
·       Alzheimer and AAL
·       Mobile-Tele-Monitorization
·       Hospital Communications Managements forAAL
·       Interaction Techniques
·       Innovative Interaction Devices
·       Artificial Intelligence for AAL
·       Context Awareness in AssistiveEnvironments
·       Ambient Intelligence for AAL
·       Artificial Neural Networks in AAL

GENERAL CO-CHAIRS ———————————- Scientific Committee   José Bravo – University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

Organization Committee    Juan M. Corchado – http://bisite.usal.es – University ofSalamanca (Spain)    Dante I. Tapia – University of Salamanca (Spain)

E-mail and Web Site   Email: iwaal@usal.es <mailto:iwaal@usal.es>   Web Site: http://iwaal.usal.es

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